La visita de Mr. Hussein Obama a Cuba no me sorprende. Desde hace tiempo ese ha sido su sueño confeso.
Hace más de cuatro años dije que se estaba ¨"cocinando" algo con Cuba y que ese algo se estaba haciendo con la participación masiva de su disidencia pre frabricada a la cual se sumaban algunos blogueros que escribían en el portal (al parecer desmantelado ya) Voces Cubanas desde Cuba, con su creadora,Yoany Sánchez, al frente, y una parte del exilio cubano que ya avisoraba la quiebra de la industria anticastrista, también incluí en la lista de los participantes a la Fundación Cubano Americana lidereada por el hijo de Mas Canosa,
El marcado interés que ha mostrado Hussein Obama (desde que asumió la presidencia en el nesfasto enero del 2009) por establecer relaciones con la tiranía mafiocastrista de La Habana, me ha llevado a pensar en más de una ocasión en los petrodólares de Chavez regalados a su guía y mentor, Fidel Castro, y la posible desviación de éstos para subfragar parte de la campaña presidencial del actual inquilino de la Casa Blanca. Lo sospecho porque las donaciones millonarias a Barack Hussein Obama se hicieron vía internet. Bien sabemos cómo funciona internet, y cómo se presta para cometer cualquier tipo de fraude, incluyendo fraudes electorales de todo tipo.
Mi amor por Cuba no me ciega. Los únicos culpables de lo que está sucediendo allá desde hace más de medio siglo, somos nosotros mismos, los cubanos, que no hemos sabido, o no hemos podido, como dirán algunos, derrotar a ese monstruo de mil cabezas que nos impuso un sistema político-socio- económico que nos ha convertido en esclavos.
Esclavos todos porque tanto los de allá como los de acá, de una forma u otra, hemos sentido, sufrido y sucumbido ante las poderosas garras de la mafia castro comunista. Mafia dirigida y mantenida por una élite militar,apoyada por el partido comunista (único partido en Cuba) y los millones de cubanos oportunistas que le han allanado el camino con pétalos de rosas a sus propios verdugos. Digo millones de cubanos porque si los opositores, los contrarevolucionarios, los anticastristas, fuéramos mayoría hace rato otro gallo cantaría.
Me duele Cuba, me apena y me duele haber nacido allí, porque como cubana me siento derrotada y lo que es peor, sin fe y casi sin esperanzas de ver a Cuba libre de tanta ignominia antes de morirme. Mis sueños y mis anhelos de tener una patria libre de sectarismos construída por todos, una patria pluralista, incluyente,con todos y para el bien de todos los cubanos, se han ido desvaneciendo con el paso de los años.
La Cuba donde nací y pasé mi primera década de vida, ya no existe. La Cuba de hoy no me gusta para nada. Es una isla hermosa por sus paisajes, por su belleza natural, pero como país está destruída fisica y moralmente. Ruinas se ven por doquier, la miseria humana se respira en cada rincón.
Vaya Barack Hussein Obama a compartir el banquete con los tiranos. Disfrute sus vacaciones y lleve a Michelle para que al menos despierte un poco de curiosidad a las pobres negras y mulatas jineteras cubanas que sueñan con una vida mejor. De cualquier manera ya usted, Barack Hussein Obama, será recordado para siempre como el peor presidente que ha tenido esta gran nación en toda su historia. Dudo que alguien pueda superarlo.
Esperanza E Serrano
Land O Lakes,
Fl, 2016
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ResponderEliminarJohn Lemandri shared a page.
ResponderEliminar2 hrs ·
The following in support of Donald Trump, was sent to FOX, action Megyn Kelly
Megyn Kelly,
I served with our Diplomatic Corps as a Communication Officer in Iraq and can tell you the reason George Bush Jr. invaded Iraq was not because of weapons of mass destruction, which was a cover since Saddam Hussein vaguely hinted he had WMD, but that Saddam Hussein ordered the assassination of George Bush Sr. when he went to Kuwait to receive an award for liberating that country.
President George Bush Jr. a Texan, wanted to avenge his father and thus ordered the invasion. He was wrong and Donald Trump was right, there was no reason to go to war.
Yet you continue to slam Donald Trump each night while saying George Bush had good reason to go to war when in fact he did not. I was once a Bush supporter but he began that war to revenge an assassination attempt on his father, and as a result billions of dollars were needlessly spent, thousands of lives lost on both sides and many families destroyed.
Bush Jr. acted as a COWBOY yet you refuse to admit the truth, that there was no WMD and no reason to go to war. Even Secretary of State Colin Powell said he was not told the truth after he appeared in front of the UN to support the call to war.
Wake up Megyn Kelly, or are you just as corrupt as most of the other journalists who purport to serve the American people but in fact are more interested in preserving your own image. How disgusting.
John Lemandri
Williamsburg, Va.
ResponderEliminarFollowing is a Washington Post story about the plot. There are other accounts by equally accredited media.
U.S. Strikes Iraq for Plot to Kill Bush
By David Von Drehle and R. Jeffrey Smith
Washington Post Staff Writers
Sunday, June 27, 1993; Page A01
U.S. Navy ships launched 23 Tomahawk missiles against the headquarters of the Iraqi Intelligence Service yesterday in what President Clinton said was a "firm and commensurate" response to Iraq's plan to assassinate former president George Bush in mid-April.
The attack was meant to strike at the building where Iraqi officials had plotted against Bush, organized other unspecified terrorist actions and directed repressive internal security measures, senior U.S. officials said.
Clinton, speaking in a televised address to the nation at 7:40 last night, said he ordered the attack to send three messages to the Iraqi leadership: "We will combat terrorism. We will deter aggression. We will protect our people."
Clinton said he ordered the attack after receiving "compelling evidence" from U.S. intelligence officials that Bush had been the target of an assassination plot and that the plot was "directed and pursued by the Iraqi Intelligence Service."
"It was an elaborate plan devised by the Iraqi government and directed against a former president of the United States because of actions he took as president," Clinton said. Bush led the coalition that drove Iraq from Kuwait in the 1991 Persian Gulf War. "As such, the Iraqi attack against President Bush was an attack against our country and against all Americans," Clinton said.
After two months of investigation and mounting evidence, Clinton became convinced during two "exhaustive and exhausting" meetings last week that Iraq was indeed behind a foiled car-bomb plot to kill Bush during his visit to Kuwait April 14-16, a senior administration official said.
Aides met with Clinton Wednesday in the White House residence to present a summary of the evidence gathered by FBI and intelligence sources, the official said. On Thursday, Attorney General Janet Reno and CIA Director R. James Woolsey presented the president with their formal reports.
Clinton ordered the attack Friday, but the raid was delayed a day so it would not fall on the Muslim sabbath, the official said. "About a dozen" U.S. allies and "friends in the region" were told in advance that the attack was coming; the reaction, according to the official, was mostly favorable. British Prime Minister John Major issued a statement last night supporting Clinton's action.