
lunes, 28 de marzo de 2016


Heidi Cruz:Her evil past is now being revealed

By John Spring
March 26, 2016

While I am aware that Heidi Nelson Cruz apparently does suffer from deep depression, just after Hillary Rodham Clinton, she is the next person to be feared the most in this presidential race for 2016. Yes, I believe in common decency, but I also stand for the dignity of women, which means that they must be respected and treated equally even if it requires the truth.
In an article written by Jesse Byrnes for The Hill that was released today on March 25, 2016, under the title "Trump aide fulfills threat to 'spill the beans' on Heidi Cruz," he reports on the recent interview on MSNBC that Steve Kornacki had with Katrina Pierson who is an aide for Donald Trump. 

According to Katrina Pierson, "Spilling the beans is quite simple when it comes to Heidi Cruz. She is a [George W.] Bush operative; she worked for the architect of NAFTA, which has killed millions of jobs in this country; she was a member of the Council on Foreign Relations who—in Sen. Cruz's own words, called - a nest of snakes that seeks to undermine national sovereignty; and she's been working for Goldman Sachs, the same global bank that Ted Cruz left off of his financial disclosure. Heidi's entire career has been spent working against everything Ted Cruz says that he stands for."
According to the Council on Foreign Relations when Heidi Cruz was on the CFR-sponsored Independent Task Force on the Future of North America in 2004, she served at the White House under Dr. Condoleezza Rice as the Economic Director for the Western Hemisphere at the National Security Council as Director of the Latin America Office at the U.S Treasury Department, and as Special Assistant to Ambassador Robert B. Zoellick, then U.S. Trade Representative. Previously, Heidi Cruz had been employed with J.P. Morgan at New York.
Heidi Cruz had contributed to the writing of Building a North American Community, which was published by the Council on Foreign Relations and released in May of 2005. Its goals were the following:

All of the aforementioned goals were designed to establish a supranational government that would destroy our nation's sovereignty and supersede our Constitution as the forthcoming North American Union with its own currency call the Amero. The proposed "North American Border Pass" would essentially "erase" our international boundaries with Canada and Mexico. To "Establish a Common Security Perimeter" for North America and "Increase Labor within North America" would weaken our national defense because we would no longer have any authority or control over who enters Canada or Mexico from overseas or elsewhere in the Western Hemisphere.

As a graduate from Claremont McKenna College, the Solvay School of Economics and Management at the Free University of Brussels, and Harvard School of Business, Heidi Nelson Cruz had the opportunity to attend some of the finest private institutions of higher learning in the world. So, as a woman, she has access to effective "analytic tools" for business. But based upon her own record, she has contributed to one of the repressive administrations and also an organization that is attempting to destroy our nation's 
sovereignty as well as our former standard of living, which has plummeted since NAFTA.

So when we think about what Heidi Cruz has already accomplished to destroy America, we must be objective and become aware of her evil past as we should already understand about Hillary Clinton. This is why you must take the time to check these "allegations" for yourselves by searching on the Internet. Otherwise, the same clandestine or "hidden" powers in America will continue to destroy our jobs, our families, our homes and our freedom. Please, wake up now before you no longer have that opportunity to do so!
May all of you have a blessed Passover and a happy Easter as well as a better tomorrow!
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© 2016 John Spring - All Rights Reserved

sábado, 26 de marzo de 2016

sábado, 19 de marzo de 2016

A mayor acercamiento de Estados Unidos, mayor represión

Lamberto Hernandez Plana  raul castro en panama  Obama con habano

La dictadura ya prepara por todo lo alto el recibimiento al Presidente Barack Obama. Algunos dicen que como él merece; otros, que como se lo ha ganado. Lo cierto es que, luego de advertirles a los disidentes que les pesará si ejercen algún acto de oposición pacífica en los tres días de estancia del mandatario estadounidense, han comenzado las represalias desde las mismas cárceles.

El 16 de este mes fueron trasladados Lamberto Hernández Planas y Mario Alberto Hernández Leyva desde la prisión de Valle Grande al edificio I del Combinado del Este, Cuarto piso. Ala norte, en la compañía 16, donde solo encierran a homosexuales y asesinos, quienes los han amenazado con pincharlos y hacerlos dormir en el piso si no hacían lo que los militares les exigen, como vestirse con la ropa de preso y desistir de cualquier negativa a tomar alimentos.Pese a esas amenazas, Lamberto y Mario Alberto, en protesta, se han declarado en huelga de hambre indefinida. La mayoría de los presos políticos se han sumado al “plantón” para denunciar las violaciones de sus derechos, que se han acrecentado con la visita del mandatario estadounidense.

Les rogamos a los organismos internacionales y a los países democráticos que se pronuncien y llamen a la cordura a quienes nos gobiernan a porrazos y violan descaradamente los derechos ciudadanos más elementales recogidos por la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos de la ONU. Sólo así la visita del presidente Obama no será un espaldarazo a la dictadura castrista y se demostraría, de una vez por todas, que no puede existir diálogo con quienes no muestran la más mínima consideración con las libertades básicas del pueblo cubano.

Pero lo que ocurre en las cárceles cubanas en estos mismos instantes es solo es un adelanto de lo que prepara el régimen contra aquellos que osen desafiarlo, porque la represión es el único trato que tienen los dictadores para quienes disienten de sus imposiciones. Tampoco cuesta imaginar cuál será la actitud y proceder de la dictadura y sus tropas represoras hacia las Damas de Blanco, el Foro por los Derechos y Libertades, y el resto de los movimientos que se agrupan en diversas tendencias políticas, pero que coinciden y aúnan sus esfuerzos por una pronta democratización del país.

Sabemos que mantendrán encarcelados a gran parte de los quieran reclamar sus derechos, a los que necesitan exponer sus puntos de vista y sus ideales, a quienes luchan por detener el daño que la dictadura pretende seguir haciendo a la institución de la sociedad civil. A todos ellos les dedicarán brutales golpizas, serán maltratados, humillados, vejados, y todo ante el silencio de muchos que no tienen la dignidad de levantar sus voces porque dicen, creen, que “no es su problema”, o de la pasividad cómplice de otros muchos que se esconden detrás del estatus de emigrantes “económicos”, como si no fuera la mala administración de los comunistas la que les ha obligado a irse de su país, donde nos hemos quedado prácticamente sin una generación de jóvenes, que han escapado a cualquier lugar donde imaginen que pueden cultivar sus sueños.

Todos los cubanos estamos comprometidos con nuestra realidad, y juntos estamos convocados a cambiar y mejorar el presente. Es responsabilidad de cada cubano hacer frente a las injusticias que la dictadura comete contra aquellos que han tenido el decoro que muchos hombres no tienen, parafraseando a José Martí. Hacer silencio, girar la mirada y fingir no ver ni sentir en carne propia el dolor de sus hermanos, lo convierte en cómplice de la dictadura, y lo descubre como un cobarde.
Cualquier abuso cometido contra otro ser indefenso es ejercido contra todos y cada uno de los que integramos esta humanidad.

Ángel Santiesteban-Prats
Habana, Marzo de 2016, “libertad” condicional.

viernes, 18 de marzo de 2016

Carta de Donald Trump a Reno Gazette, BLM

MUST SEE: Donald Trump’s Position On The BLM

Trump 52a_BLM

Would LaVoy Finicum still be alive if Trump had been President?

A letter Donald Trump wrote to the Reno Gazette in January has recently come to light, in which he outlined his views on the Bureau of Land Management.    This letter is a MUST-READ!  

Questions worth considering:  Based on his views expressed in this letter, if Donald Trump had been President, would the Bundy Ranch standoff have ever occurred?    Would the Hammond family or the Bundy family have ever been imprisoned?   Would LaVoy Finicum have been killed?  

by Donald J. Trump | 12:31 p.m. PST January 28, 2016

The United States of America is a land of laws, and Americans value the rule of law above all. Why, then, has our Congress allowed the president and the executive branch to take on near-dictatorial power? How is it that we have a president who will not enforce some laws and who encourages faceless, nameless bureaucrats to manage public lands as if the millions of acres were owned by agencies such as the Bureau of Land Management and the Department of Energy? In Nevada, the lack of enforcement of immigration laws and the draconian rule of the BLM are damaging the economy, lowering the standard of living and inhibiting natural economic growth. The only way to change these circumstances is to bring to Washington a president who will rein in the federal government and get Congress to do its job. It’s not that we don’t have talented people in D.C. It’s that we have no leadership there.
The BLM controls over 85 percent of the land in Nevada. In the rural areas, those who for decades have had access to public lands for ranching, mining, logging and energy development are forced to deal with arbitrary and capricious rules that are influenced by special interests that profit from the D.C. rule-making and who fill the campaign coffers of Washington politicians. Far removed from the beautiful wide open spaces of Nevada, bureaucrats bend to the influence that is closest to them. Honest, hardworking citizens who seek freedom and economic independence must beg for deference from a federal government that is more intent on power and control than it is in serving the citizens of the nation. In and around Clark County, the situation is even worse.
Because the BLM is so reluctant to release land to local disposition in Nevada, the cost of land has skyrocketed and the cost of living has become an impediment to growth. Where are the city and county to get the land for schools, roads, parks and other public use areas if they have to beg Washington for the land and then pay a premium price for it? How are people who see a future in Nevada to find housing and employment if the federal government is inhibiting economic development? How are businesses to find the employees to fill the jobs that could be created if there were better leadership in Washington? Unfortunately, many of the jobs are filled by those who came to this country illegally.
Illegal immigration costs the people of Nevada over $1.2 billion a year. That is nearly $6,000 for every man, woman and child in the state. Those are tax dollars that could go to build those schools, roads, sewers, water treatment plants and all the other services needed for a growing economy. Illegal immigrants absorb tax dollars from public schools, public health and public safety. Illegal immigration suppresses wages and undermines the ability of workers to organize and seek better working conditions. Illegal immigration is an affront to the very rule of law valued by all Americans and most assuredly by all Nevadans.
What is needed in Washington is a president who will rein in the executive branch and work with Congress to make sure the legislative branch does its job. What is needed in Washington is a president who has the will, strength and courage to lead. What is needed in Washington is a president who is not beholden to special interests and who is only interested in putting America and Americans first.
When I am elected president, I will bring the executive branch back inside the Constitution and will work with Congress to put America first. I will lead the effort to gain meaningful tax reform, trade reform and education reform. I will lead the effort to protect your right to worship as you see fit and your right to protect your family and property with the right to keep and bear arms. Together, we will make America great again.
Donald J. Trump, a Republican, is a businessman and a candidate for president of the United States. 

lunes, 14 de marzo de 2016

Finally an Honest Reporter! Tammy Bruce Puts Blame on Violent Leftist Th...

Finally an Honest Reporter! TAMMY BRUCE Puts Blame on Violent Leftist Mob at Trump Rally (Video)

It really is infuriating watching formerly respected journalists blaming
Donald Trump and his supporters for the violence at Trump rallies.

Do they really think there would be violence if these people were not
coming in, disrupting, rushing the stage, harassing supporters,
swinging at supporters, and attacking Trump supporters?


Do they not understand the history of the violent leftist mob?

trump stalker

Bernie supporter Thomas Dimassimo – who jumped the security fence and stormed Donald Trump on stage in Dayton, Ohio – threatened to murder Trump on Twitter.

Finally an honest reporter!

Tammy Bruce – who IS NOT a Trump supporter – gets it.

tammy bruce
The FOX News contributor put the blame today where it belongs – On the Violent anti-Trump mob.
The goons come to every single Trump rally and assault Trump supporters
and interrupt the rally every 90 seconds. Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and
John Kasich blamed Trump for this behavior. Cruz supporters also blame
Trump and make up stories about his campaign manager.

Tammy put the blame where it belongs – on the far left mob who have been doing this for years!

Thank you, Tammy for your honesty.

Wake up, America

"This is America, you cannot stop us and you cannot silence us. Beware the sleeping giant – the Silent Majority of us. We will not be silenced." – Judge Jeanine Pirro

Posted by Fox News on Sunday, March 13, 2016

Black Pastor Brings Down The House at Donald Trump Cleveland Rally!

On Saturday, March 12, 2016, Pastor Darrell Scott of New Spirit Revival Center Ministries in Ohio spoke to the Trump crowd before Donald Trump arrived from his earlier rally in Dayton.

Pastor Scott introduced Donald Trump at the rally in Cleveland, Ohio and BROUGHT DOWN THE HOUSE!

Only God could take a black guy from inner city streets
of Cleveland and connect him with a white billionaire from upstate New
York to try to do what we can do to make the country great again!
This was an amazing speech!

- Letters From Former Cruz Voters

sábado, 12 de marzo de 2016

Distressing story of what happened when Trump Chicago rally was cancelled

Old protest trick. 4-8 police were required to remove each screaming protester, leaving other protesters unattended.

 What really happened at the Chicago rally - My Firsthand Account by ChicagoTrumpAttendee:
At 2:30 p.m., I arrived at the Donald Trump rally located at the UIC pavilion in Chicago, IL. There was light police presence at the Blue Line station, and the pavilion was short walk away. There I waited in line for about an hour until making it to the front doors, going through a security scanner, and finding a seat in the main hall.
For nearly two hours the pavilion filled until it neared capacity. It was clear that protesters were seated around the room, given easily away by their manner of dress. Most of the Trump supporters, being suburbanite or small town white people from outside of Chicago, were dressed strikingly normal—jeans and t-shirts, yoga pants or dresses, and the occasional suit.
The first protestors began around 5:30 when two young white males pulled off their coats to reveal t-shirts with anti-Trump slogans. At this point I noticed the police presence inside the rally was a mere 8 police officers, bolstered with hands-off event staff.
Before 6:00 p.m., a man spoke on the microphone and requested that rally attendees do not touch or harm protesters who interrupt the event. He reminded the protesters that Donald Trump supports the first amendment as much as the second.
Following this was a string of smaller incidents, such as people holding up improvised signs and shouting.
  • One entire bleacher row was filled with protesters and they began chanting and throwing around torn up signs.
  • A few people who began standing up and screaming, and were slowly escorted out by police. The police kept leaving the protesters unattended throughout this, taking 4-8 officers to escort protesters out one at a time.
  • A black man in a black jacket ran up to the front stage, bumped into the podium, and attempted to speak, but was wrestled down by two men in suits. As they escorted him through the crowd, he took a swing at a Trump supporter. The men escorting him were incredibly gentle and restrained themselves from using any force.
Then voice came on and declared that the event was postponed. A few minutes later, they informed us that Trump had landed in Chicago and spoken to Chicago Police officers, and that due to safety concerns, the rally was canceled.
At this point, the protesters began to descend into chaos. Aside from a few mild “TRUMP” and “USA” chants, the Trump supporters were mostly quiet and bewildered as the protesters began to scream, chant, and run around the main floor area in a huge pack, flipping off the rally attendees and swearing at them. There were a few tense altercations between the two groups, but from what I saw at this point, no violence.
The rally was instructed to leave the pavilion, and I have to admit, the Chicago Police messed up bad here.
We walked straight out of the building and into enormous packs of protesters screaming at us, with little police presence to protect the Trump supporters.
Following this, I wandered the protest grounds to see what was going on. My memory is a bit jumbled at this point because I was so pumped up, but let me string together the events as clearly as possible:
  • Many of Trump propaganda signs, most commonly depicting him as Adolf Hitler, but others showing him with a small penis, simple signs of text English and Spanish, signs.
  • Young women shouting anti-white racial epithets.
  • “THE PEOPLE ARE UNITED. WE WILL NOT BE DIVIDED” being shouted at Trump supporters who holed themselves up in a parking garage, quietly fearing for their safety. Another good one by the protesters was “FREEDOM FIRST! FREEDOM FIRST!” Strangely enough, there were a good amount of signs calling for peace and freedom. Lots of peace signs being flashed with the fingers.
  • A single white Trump supporter who held up a sign and stood quietly as three dozen people surrounded him, smiling and screaming, snatching and pushing at him until he had to run for police cover. Someone grabbed his American flag and threw it on the ground and he fought to recover it. The police escorted him away.
  • Two young men, perhaps 17-19, standing quietly as they waited for a ride home. They were wearing their MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN hats, looking terrified as people cursed and swore at them, and occasionally threw furious challenges for debate. The two young men held their ground. Only once did one of those hats come down, and it quickly went back on again.
  • A general atmosphere of pleasure and happiness from the protesters. A common chant was “WE WON!” and “WE STUMPED THE TRUMP!” It honestly felt like a social event for the protesters. There was plenty of mingling
  • Plenty of shouts at Trump protesters that Trump and his supporters are not welcome in Chicago. I challenged one on the first amendment. He said he does not consider himself an American and continued insulting the grizzled old white man he was arguing with.
  • Extremely inefficient police presence. The cops were lined up on their horses or standing behind barricades, but generally were not present where Trump supporters were being hounded and occasionally struck by protesters.
  • The protesters were primarily composed of millennial-aged: white hipsters, African Americans, Hispanics, and Muslims. Some of the protesters were teenagers below voting age.
  • The protesters flew a big set of American, Mexican, and Puerto Rican flags. There were lots of small American and Mexican flags too. *The Trump supporters mostly fled for safety immediately. You have to understand, they were outnumbered by thousands of protesters.
  • There was media presence, but not as much as you’d think. Plenty of areas where chaos was going on had no media nearby. The reporters were mostly getting people to talk to them off to the side where nothing was going on, or focusing ongoing debates between Trump supporters and rally members.
  • A small amount of the protesters were smoking weed. (I have nothing against this personally, just included for accuracy.)
  • Plenty of chants for “BERNIE! BERNIE! BERNIE!” Some Trump supporters looked at each other in bewilderment. “But Bernie Sanders isn’t even running against Donald Trump,” was the common sentiment.
  • Edit: The Trump supporters had a general trust for the police, while the protesters saw their presence as antagonistic. This is especially interesting to me, because as a foreigner and person of color I am generally afraid of police.
Closing statement:
Obviously I did not see everything that occurred as I wandered the protest grounds outside the cancelled Chicago rally. What I did see, however, was fear. Fear from the rally attendees for their immediate safety, and fear of Donald Trump from the protesters.
More than that, I feel that I experienced today, for the first time in my life, true totalitarianism and authoritarianism, expressed laterally from citizen to citizen, in order to silence opinions from being shared. This enforcement was shared through sheer numbers and intimidation, and in a few cases, violence.
People brought their children, loved ones, and friends to attend the Trump rally. I saw an older Asian man and his white wife in attendance, and the looks on their faces when the rally was declared cancelled almost broke my heart. I saw scared children clinging to their parents’ sides as they exited the building to the screams of protesters. I saw a quiet, but excited crowd of Donald Trump supporters get thrown out of Chicago.
Worst of all, I saw the first amendment trampled, spit on, and discarded like trash.
This cannot go on. As I finish this, I feel a sense of utter dread and hopelessness for what is becoming of the youth in this country, particularly those of the regressive left. So polarized has political opinion become, that dissenting thoughts on college campuses are now seen as hateful. These people deal in absolutes. They are right, and whatever means they must take to achieve their ends, they will do it. They will not stop themselves from violence or censorship. They will do it, and they will call hell down upon you if anyone dare does upon them the same.
Tonight I went to the Trump Rally to hear the thoughts of not only the man who was supposed to come and speak, but the people who support him. I found respect. I found calmness. I found peace.
The truth is, I am a legal immigrant, not a US citizen. I am not American. I am not white. I cannot vote.
After tonight, I support Donald Trump.
Lastly, (Link: for anyone who thinks the protesters didn’t incite violence tonight, I offer you this.

Look at who is behind funding the protesters

As reported by NYT: The billionaire George Soros and other liberal donors will bankroll a new $15 million campaign to mobilize Latinos and other immigrants this fall, hoping to channel outrage at the political rhetoric of Donald J. Trump and other Republicans into a surge of votes for Democratic candidates in November. Strategists involved said the new spending would be the largest Democratic voter-turnout effort ever devoted exclusively to Latino and immigrant voters. Most of the money will be spent through organizations in Colorado, Florida and Nevada, states with large or growing Latino and Asian populations that will be pivotal in the presidential race and in the battle for control of the Senate. The outreach, which will be coordinated through a new “super PAC” called Immigrant Voters Win PAC, will be more explicitly political and partisan than past efforts, the strategists said: The goal was to not only turn out committed Latinos already voting Democratic but also find and persuade immigrant swing voters. Ultimately, organizers hope to get at least 400,000 new Democratic voters to the polls in November. Full story @ (Link:

Wake Up, América, no permitas que nos arrebaten nuestra libertad.


A stunned crowd of Donald Trump supporters loiters inside the University of Illinois-Chicago Pavilion after a security threat ended a political rally (Photo: NBC 5 Chicago screenshot)

Los Incidentes de la tarde de ayer en el Pabellón Chicago de la Universidad de Illinois son una clara demostración de hasta dónde la izquierda socialista ha penetrado las universidades de este país.
Los estudiantes se organizaron a través de internet para acudir en masa (erán mas de mil) al Pabellon Chicago para protestar énergicamente en contra de Donald Trump y sus seguidores. El plan orquestado consistía en  crear el caos, el desorden, atacar a los seguidores de Trump gritando improperios de todo tipo, a la vez que enarbolaban pancartas con consignas anti-Trump. El objetivo principal era  impedir que se efectuara el encuentro de Donald Trump con mas de 20 mil de sus seguidores. El plan de los estudiantes fue muy efectivo. Lograron el objetivo y están cantando victoria a través de los medios.
Fue un verdadero acto de repudio, algo que yo pensé que jamás vería en este país. Una tremenda violación al derecho que tenemos todos a la libertad de reunión y de  expresión.
Donald J. Trump está en todo su derecho, como ciudadano y como candidato presidencial a reunirse con un grupo de sus seguidores y expresar libremente sus criterios y proposiciones para resolver los problemas que nos afectan a todos. Este derecho fue violado por un grupo de jóvenes que al parecer, a pesar de su nivel universitario no conocen la Constitución de este país, o si la conocen, actuan ex-profeso e impunemente en contra de ésta.
Creo que esos jóvenes están respondiendo a intereses políticos, sociales y económicos de los grupos anti Trump no solo de izquierda sino también del ala extremista del GOP.
Todos tenemos derecho a la libertad de expresión siempre y cuando este derecho no viole los derechos de otros a expresarse libremente. Los organizadores de la campaña de D. Trump, escogieron el lugar y  la hora del encuentro previo acuerdo con la Universidad y con los simpatizantes de Donald Trump. Ese espacio debió respetarse, no era el lugar para manifestaciones anti Trump.
Mas que una manifestación pasiva, fue un acto de violación, una provocación a todas luces en busca de respuestas violentas. Si no se toman las medidas adecuadas, este acto sentará terribles  precedentes en estas elecciones y las venideras.
Esos muchachos, si querían expresar su repudio a Donald Trump, debieron manifestarse pasivamente en las afueras del Pabellón. Está claro que el objetivo  era crear el caos, provocar la violencia, la indisciplina social, evitar que Donal Trump hablara, callarlo  desafiándolo públicamente y con ello crear un estado de exhaltación, de indignación, de respuesta violenta por parte de los que se sintieron agredidos en sus sagrados derechos de la libertad de expresión y de reunión que nos da la Constitución de este país. Vieja táctica empleada en el mundo entero por parte de la izquierda. Violan los derechos de otros y cuando estos responden entonces se  presentan cómo víctimas. 
Los medios de comunicación y los otros candidatos republicanos: Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, y J. Kasich, inmeditamanete salieron a señalar a Trump como responsable de lo sucedido. Qué pena!
Me pregunto ¿Qué pasará si los seguidores de Donald Trump, cansados de tanta suciedad  nos dedicamos a boicotear los mítines de los otros candidatos usando los mismos métodos de provocación y violación de derechos? ¿O es que acaso por ser cristianos  tenemos que permitir que nos ultrajen descaradamente? Creo que es hora ya de parar esto. Todo acto de repudio o de violación de derechos, tiene sus consecuencias. Las autoridades tienen que jugar su papel o vamos camino a una guerra civil.
Todo tiene un límite. Estados Unidos de América está en peligro.Hoy más que nunca se hace evidente que nos quieren destruir como nación. Esa agenda comenzó hace mas de 20 años. Es responsabilidad de todos los que amamos a este país y estamos en contra del socialismo-comunismo, salir a defender nuestra libertad, en las urnas o en las calles si es preciso.

Esperanza E Serrano

Wake Up, América. No permitas que nos violen el derecho a la libertad de reunión y de expresión.

Donald Trump cancela evento por preocupaciones de seguridad

Hubo incidentes aislados de confrontaciones cuando se anunció que el evento fue cancelado.
nformes de prensa indican que decenas de profesores y empleados de la Universidad pidieron a los directivos de la escuela cancelar el mitin por preocupaciones de que pudiera crear "un ambiente hostil y físicamente peligroso" para los estudiantes.
Informes de prensa indican que decenas de profesores y empleados de la Universidad pidieron a los directivos de la escuela cancelar el mitin por preocupaciones de que pudiera crear "un ambiente hostil y físicamente peligroso" para los estudiantes.
El aspirante presidencial republicano Donald Trump canceló un mitin con partidarios en Chicago, Illinois, debido a preocupaciones de seguridad, después de que manifetantes ocuparan el lugar donde el evento iba a realizarse.

El anuncio de que Trump pospondría el acto llevó a una gran cantidad de asistentes en el Pabellón Chicago de la Universidad de Illinois a celebrar con gritos de alegría, mientras partidarios del candidato coreaban "Queremos a Trump", "Queremos a Trump".

Hubo incidentes aislados de confrontaciones cuando el evento fue cancelado.

Trump no apareció en el campus en ningún momento, dicen los medios. Informes de prensa también indican que decenas de profesores y empleados de la Universidad pidieron a los directivos de la escuela cancelar el mitin por preocupaciones de que pudiera crear "un ambiente hostil y físicamente peligroso" para los estudiantes.

Antes de que se anunciara la cancelación ocurrieron varios incidentes a gritos entre partidarios y opositores de Trump.  Se ha informado que por primera vez desde que Donald Trump lanzó su candidatura parecía que el número de manifestantes era igual al de sus partidarios en el lugar.

Pese al alboroto, la Policía de Chicago informó a CNN que no había arrestados.

lunes, 7 de marzo de 2016

High School classmate defends the character of Donal J. trump

VOTE AS YOU WISH, AND LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT TRUMP A personal note from Peter Ticktin who knows the guy from high school: As a law firm, we at The Ticktin Law Group do not like to get involved in politics. As soon as we endorse one side, we risk alienating everyone on the other side. Also, our lawyers and staff are, themselves, on both sides. Politics is not our game. However, Justice is! If you saw a guy get publicly smeared, and you knew him well from the days you were friends and seniors together in high school, if you knew him to be a decent and honest man, would you want to say something? This is why I need to share what I know. I was aghast at watching last night's debate. It was a set-up. The moderators, Cruz, and Rubio were all like little alligators trying to take a bite out of Trump. Yes, Donald Trump has had some failures, but he has been exceedingly successful. None of this came out. Instead, there was a general attack. Rubio simply makes up lies. He pretends that Trump has small hands and makes fun of him for something which isn't even real. He pretends that Donald wets his pants, and makes fun of him, as though it was true, and then he calls Donald Trump a "Bully." I am not suggesting that you should vote or not vote for anyone. I just need to defend a former friend who is being smeared. Like Donald Trump, I attended New York Military Academy ("NYMA") for high school. In fact, in our senior year, together, Donald was my captain, and I was his 1st Platoon Sergeant. I sometimes joke that I ran his first company for him, Company "A." People don't really change much from the ages of 17 and 18, and I know this guy. I know him to be a good decent guy. We lived and breathed an Honor Code in those years. It wasn't just a rule. It was our way of life. Neither Donald, nor any other cadet who graduated with us would ever lie, cheat, or steal from a fellow cadet. These values became irreversibly intertwined in the fabric of our personalities, of who we are. Of the 99 guys (no girls in those days) in our class, there is not one who I know who has a bad word to say about Donald Trump. Think of it. With all the jealousies which arise in high school and thereafter, with all the potential envy, not one of us has anything other than positive memories of this man. How could we? He was an "A" student, a top athlete, and as a leader, he was highly respected. We never feared him, yet we never wanted to disappoint him. He had our respect. He was never a bigot in any way, shape or form. He only hates those who hate. Of course he denounces the KKK. As to the discussion with the New York Times, it is his choice to release the 'off the record' remarks. However, if he does, it opens the door for all political opposition to make that demand for everyone, and that means that our press will never get those 'off the record' remarks which help them to understand the realities of the campaign. Moreover, the idea that Donald Trump confessed some alternate theory of his position is preposterous. Can anyone believe that all those NY Times reporters are walking around knowing some deep dark nasty secret about a guy who is seeking an endorsement? The Republican establishment is afraid of Donald Trump. Why? They are afraid that he will lose to Hillary. They don't hate Donald. They hate her. They are so fearful that they fail to see that by expanding the base of voters for Trump, he is more likely to win. Watching the chorus of whiners, decriers, denigrators, and self-righteous put-down experts from so many directions, from Mit Romney, to Megyn Kelly, Little Mario, it has to make you wonder. Why? Why are so many people so angry with Donald Trump, that they are lying, name calling, ridiculing, and demeaning him as they do. Either they are afraid, or they know him to be evil. This is why I feel the need to speak out at this time. I know this man. He is a lot of things, but he is not evil. He is a decent honest guy who loves this country, and who is willing to sacrifice so much of what is left of his life, because he knows that this country needs to be fixed, and that it is going to require someone who can do the job. He just doesn't see anything around him other than political hacks, so he is willing to take this huge responsibility. I'm not saying that he is the only one who can do the job. My point is simply as to his motivation and his goodness. This next decade is going to be one of major changes. We all see the climate changing, and the world food supply is getting lower. Our fish stock around the world is running low. Oil prices will cause countries to fail. The Middle East is beyond repair, and we have become weak and ineffective around the world. Donald Trump sees the issues and knows that he can assemble leaders who would have the best chance of fixing things. This is why he is running. He does not need it for his own aggrandizement. He doesn't need another big jet or to take up residence in the White House. He just wants things to be fixed, and he knows that the politicians won't fix anything. I knew Donald Trump and was close to him in our senior year in high school. I just want you to know that there is nothing to fear from him. His character is as good as it gets. He is a patriot, taking on a heroic task, and being thanked by massive abuse. If you want to see a true reflection of a man, look at his children. Need I say more? via (Link:

Still Report #686 - Beth on Vote Fraud

domingo, 6 de marzo de 2016

Estados Unidos. Elecciones 2016 Primarias, calendario, ganadores, delegados....

DelegatesState totals are pledged delegates based on election results. Trump Cruz Rubio Kasich
Clinton Sanders

Total 382 300 128 35
1,121 481

1,237 to win nomination
2,383 to win

Pledged Delegates 382 300 128 35
663 459

458 22
Feb. 1 Iowa Results » 7 8 7 1
23 21
Feb. 9 New Hampshire Results » 11 3 2 4
9 15
Feb. 20 Nevada Democratic Results »
20 15

South Carolina Republican Results » 50
Feb. 23 Nevada Republican Results » 14 6 7 1
Feb. 27 South Carolina Democratic Results »
39 14
March 1 Alabama Results » 36 13 1
44 9

Alaska Republican Results » 11 12 5

Arkansas Results » 16 14 9
22 10

Colorado Democratic Results »
28 38

Georgia Results » 40 18 14
72 28

Massachusetts Results » 22 4 8 8
46 45

Minnesota Results » 8 13 17
31 46

Oklahoma Results » 13 15 12
17 21

Tennessee Results » 31 15 9
44 23

Texas Results » 47 102 3
147 74

Vermont Results » 6 6

Virginia Results » 17 8 16 5
62 33

American Samoa
4 2

Democrats Abroad
March 5 Kansas Results » 9 24 6 1
10 23

Kentucky Republican Results » 17 15 7 7

Louisiana Results » 18 18 5
35 12

Maine Republican Results » 9 12 2

Nebraska Democratic Results »
10 14
*Party leaders who are free to support any candidate.
Primary Calendar
G.O.P. delegates Dem. delegates
March 6 Maine Democratic Caucus Republican caucus is March 5. 30
Puerto Rico Republican Primary Democratic caucus is June 5. 23
March 8 Hawaii Republican Caucus Democratic caucus is March 26. 19
Idaho Republican Primary Democratic caucus is March 22. 32
Michigan 59 147
Mississippi 40 41
March 12 District of Columbia Republican Convention Democratic primary is June 14. 19
Guam Republican Convention The Republican Party will not hold a presidential preference vote for its 9 delegates. Democratic caucus is May 7. 9
Northern Mariana Islands Democratic Convention Republican caucus is March 15. 11
March 15 Florida G.O.P. winner-take-all 99 246
Illinois G.O.P. winner-take-most 69 182
Missouri 52 84
Northern Mariana Islands Republican Caucus Democratic caucus is March 12. G.O.P. winner-take-all 9
North Carolina 72 121
Ohio G.O.P. winner-take-all 66 159
March 19 Virgin Islands Republican Caucus Democratic caucus is June 4. 9
March 22 Arizona G.O.P. winner-take-all 58 85
Idaho Democratic Caucus Republican primary is March 8. 27
Utah 40 37
March 26 Alaska Democratic Caucus Republican caucus is March 1. 20
Hawaii Democratic Caucus Republican caucus is March 8. 34
Washington State Democratic Caucus Republican primary is May 24. 118
April 5 Wisconsin G.O.P. winner-take-most 42 96
April 9 Wyoming The Republican Party will not vote at its caucus, allowing its 29 delegates to remain unpledged to a specific candidate. 29 18
April 19 New York 95 291
April 26 Connecticut 28 70
Delaware G.O.P. winner-take-all 16 31
Maryland G.O.P. winner-take-most 38 118
Pennsylvania G.O.P. winner-take-most 71 210
Rhode Island 19 33
May 3 Indiana G.O.P. winner-take-most 57 92
May 7 Guam Democratic Caucus Republican convention is March 12. 12
May 10 Nebraska Republican Primary Democratic caucus is March 5. G.O.P. winner-take-all 36
West Virginia 34 37
May 17 Kentucky Democratic Primary Republican caucus is March 5. 61
Oregon 28 74
May 24 Washington State Republican Primary Republicans will also hold a caucus on Feb. 20 but will allocate delegates through the May 24 primary. The Democratic caucus is March 26. 44
June 4 Virgin Islands Democratic Caucus Republican caucus is March 19. 12
June 5 Puerto Rico Democratic Caucus Republican primary is March 6. 67
June 7 California G.O.P. winner-take-most 172 546
Montana G.O.P. winner-take-all 27 27
New Jersey G.O.P. winner-take-all 51 142
New Mexico 24 43
North Dakota The Republican Party will not vote at its caucus, allowing its 28 delegates to remain unpledged to a specific candidate. 28 23
South Dakota G.O.P. winner-take-all 29 25
June 14 District of Columbia Democratic Primary Republican convention is March 12. 45
Note: Both winner-take-all and winner-take-most states allocate all state-level Republican delegates to the overall winner. Winner-take-most states, like California, also allocate Republican delegates based on the winner of each district.

Other Republican candidates have also won delegates: Ben Carson (eight), Jeb Bush (four) and Carly Fiorina, Mike Huckabee and Rand Paul (one each).