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Home | Blogs | Ballot Box | Presidential races Email Alerts Ballot Boxicon Ballot Box feed February 14, 2016, 10:42 am Online poll: Trump up by 22 points in SC
By Bradford Richardson 2K
108 Getty Images
Republican primary front-runner Donald Trump leads GOP field in South Carolina by 22 points ahead of the next GOP primary, according to a new poll.
The CBS News “Battleground Tracker” poll released on Sunday morning shows Trump with 42 percent support.
He’s followed by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) with 20 percent support, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) with 15 percent support and Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R), who has seen a small surge after his second-place showing in New Hampshire, with 9 percent support.
Cruz wins a plurality of voters who describe themselves as “very conservative,” but trails Trump among conservatives overall and moderate Republicans.
The billionaire businessman is also bolstered by an anti-establishment sentiment in the Palmetto State, with respondents by a four-to-one margin describing the “establishment” as a bad thing.
Just 11 percent said the current crop of politicians in Washington knows how to get things done, while 45 percent said they are tired of business as usual.
The online CBS News poll surveyed 1,315 registered voters in South Carolina. It has a margin of error of 5.7 percent. Tags: Donald Trump, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Sunday shows
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February 14, 2016, 10:42 am
Online poll: Trump up by 22 points in SC
By Bradford Richardson
Getty Images
Republican primary front-runner Donald Trump leads GOP field in South Carolina by 22 points ahead of the next GOP primary, according to a new poll.
The CBS News “Battleground Tracker” poll released on Sunday morning shows Trump with 42 percent support.
He’s followed by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) with 20 percent support, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) with 15 percent support and Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R), who has seen a small surge after his second-place showing in New Hampshire, with 9 percent support.
Cruz wins a plurality of voters who describe themselves as “very conservative,” but trails Trump among conservatives overall and moderate Republicans.
The billionaire businessman is also bolstered by an anti-establishment sentiment in the Palmetto State, with respondents by a four-to-one margin describing the “establishment” as a bad thing.
Just 11 percent said the current crop of politicians in Washington knows how to get things done, while 45 percent said they are tired of business as usual.
The online CBS News poll surveyed 1,315 registered voters in South Carolina. It has a margin of error of 5.7 percent.
Donald Trump, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Sunday shows