
domingo, 28 de junio de 2015

Y se cumplió...

Lo escribí en uno de los foros latinos de MSN en el 2008:
..."Si Barack Huseein Obama llega a la Casa Blanca, le cambia hasta el color.
 Ahi lo tienen, el presidente del cambio.

Esperanza E Serrano

Foto tomada de
Mas sobre el mismo tema

  El colmo del irrespeto y la desfachatez

Por Gabriel Astengo.
 En un acto ruin, demagogico y deleznable, el presidente de este pais se entromete parcializadamente en un tema que solo compete a la Corte Suprema de EEUU, se haya estado o no de acuerdo con la decision tomada por esta, y utiliza los colores de la bandera gay para “adornar” nada menos que a la Casa Blanca.
 Independientemente, de nuestros puntos de vista personales sobre este delicado asunto, el cual tiene dividida a la sociedad estadounidense, la manipulacion de esta administracion para la captacion de votos hacia su partido politico en las proximas elecciones, es asqueante, abusiva y desmedida. Lo mismo ha hecho demagogicamente con el tema migratorio, mientras su inaccion y cobardia le permite a los terroristas islamistas seguir cortando cabezas en el Medio Oriente y a Vladimir Putin anexarse descaradamente territorios en Europa del Este.
Un presidente que se respete a si mismo y respete a su pueblo (aunque privadamente tenga preferencias por alguna de las partes en este escabroso tema) no toma partido publicamente, tras este tipo de decisiones tan sensibles que fraccionan al pais, y que repito, solo le toca juzgar y decidir a la rama juridica de la nacion, cosa que ya ha hecho.
Yo, que soy heterosexual, no quiero terminar sin dejar de felicitar a los homosexuales y lesbianas, que por encima de sus preferencias sexuales, han puesto en primer plano su patriotismo, condenando energicamente este repudiable hecho llevado a cabo por la incapaz administracion que encabeza el inepto, Barack Hussein Obama.

2 comentarios:

  1. En el sitio original del link dejaron este comentario:

    Beverly Hulick · Top Commenter · School of Life and Hard Knocks
    I have been giving this "rainbow lights on the White House" a lot of thought as it upset me, but I really did not fully understand why it did.
    So, I thought about it and then I knew, without a doubt, why I feel the way I do. You might disagree with me; which is your right, but this is how I look at it and how I see it. I speak for myself; but am hoping that others will see my words and understand them.

    The White House
    Is not just the house of those who are gay or who are not gay.
    It is not the house of just blacks, whites, hispanics, or any other nationality or race.
    It is not the house of just men or of just women.
    It is not just the house of Christians or Jews or any other religion.
    It is not just the house of Atheists or Agnostics.
    It is not just the house of any one person.
    It is not just the house of any one political party.
    It certainly is not President Obama's house; it may be his home for now; but it is not his house alone.
    It is the house of We, the People.
    It is OUR house.
    It belongs to any, and all of us, who are American Citizens.
    It belongs to those who have lived before us; for their history is a part of the story of our Country.
    To fly the colors of a rainbow flag on our house is to put another flag before our American one.
    No flag comes before the Red, White, and Blue.
    Not on OUR house.
    Not in OUR country.
    To have OUR White House decorated in any other colors than red, white and blue took away from the dignity of what OUR house represents.
    To have OUR White House decorated in the fancy colors of the rainbow makes our country look weak and fanciful to the rest of world.
    To have OUR White House done up in the fancy colors of a rainbow, and not the colors of our American Flag, was and is an insult to all those who wore, or still wear, the uniform of one of our military branches.
    All gave some, some gave all, but not for a rainbow flag that represents a few; they gave it because they served and carried the American Flag that represents ALL of us who are We, the People of the United States of America. No matter our color, our creed, or our sexual preference, it belongs to US as Americans.
    If any colors should be projected onto OUR house, by OUR President, they should be red, white and blue to honor those men and women who fought to make us free, fight to keep us free and those who voluntarily serve or served, in our military knowing that they could pay the ultimate sacrifice by doing so.
    The colors flown on Our house should not celebrate anything other than what brings us together; and that is our Citizenship, our Freedoms, and our Pride and Love of this Country.
    The colors that fly on OUR house should respect those who came before us, inspire those of us who live now, and give us hope for the future of citizens not yet born, that this country will stand strong and stay free; and those colors are Red, White and Blue.
    They are not the colors of Rainbow Brite.
    Oh! say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave,
    O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.
    ~Francis Scott Key, The Star-Spangled Banner
    Reply ·
    · 103 · Edited · Yesterday at 7:14pm

  2. Muy importante conocer como la gente cambia defendiendo sus intereses.
