
lunes, 22 de febrero de 2016

Fantastic Donald Trump '' TURN OFF THE LIGHTS '' Rally in Atlanta, Georg...

Why Donald Trump is overestimated

Donald Trump and his family. Saturday February 20, 2016.
John Lemandri
The South Carolina primary results don't mean Trump will be the nominee
John Hudak
Why Donald Trump is overestimated
Every other Republican candidate—and probably both Democratic candidates—would love to be in Donald Trump's shoes. Dominant, in control of most news cycles, Teflon to scandal and his own gaffes, connecting with should-be-out-of-reach demographic groups with ease, and trouncing the competition. Despite that, the reports of Donald Trump’s coronation as the next Republican nominee are quite premature. He may well end up the GOP nominee. Yet, there are several reasons why he may not.
The GOP race remains a crowded field. There are four other candidates of varying success and even if you discount Carson (you should), Cruz and Rubio are serious contenders. So long as that many candidates remain in the race, it becomes difficult for Trump to amass a majority of delegates heading into Cleveland. Cruz and Rubio may not be able to beat Trump in many of the states to come, but they can be enough of a nuisance to keep him from the type of "clinch" we have seen in previous years after a handful of primaries and caucuses. That moment usually comes early (or early-ish) when it becomes clear someone will march to the convention and the race effectively ends. This year is not one of those years.
Party rules make it hard for Trump to clinch. While some states are winner-take-all in their allocation of delegates. Many are not. Many allocate strictly proportionally or function as a winner-take-all if and only if a candidate receives a supermajority (between 66 percent and 85 percent depending on the state). Trump is "winning" by pulling 30-40 percent of states' votes, making those winner-take-all-thresholds far out of reach. It also makes securing the nomination formally (winning a majority of delegates) or informally (broad support being so obvious that further competition is seen as fruitless) that much more difficult.
Party leaders don't like Donald Trump and they're scared to death of his candidacy. The GOP brass see themselves—right or not—to be in a very strong position this year. Secretary Clinton's candidacy exists in the shadow of scandals and investigations and her primary competition is a self-described socialist. They think their chances to retake the White House are quite good, but only if they have the right candidate. They believe Donald Trump is not that candidate. The Republican primary contest has "uncommitted delegates" (Democrats call them "superdelegates") who are able to cast convention votes without input from voters. There are fewer of them than Democrats have, but in a close primary contest, they may make a difference. These unpledged delegates tend to be state party leaders.
If Republicans head to Cleveland with no candidate securing a majority of delegates (every political pundit’s daydream), and a brokered convention comes to fruition, the uncommitted delegates may play an outsized role. So, too, may the party brass—the baron-like establishment that Trump and his supporters rail against. It would be a risky proposition to strip the man with the most delegates from being the nominee, but the party may see it as their only avenue to beating a Democrat in November and thus make it a reality. For the GOP leadership the calculus is easy: if we nominate Trump we absolutely lose; if we give the nomination to someone else, Trump's supporters will be angry, but we at least have a chance of winning. Economists' expected value calculations make that decision a no-brainer. The politician's calculations make it more difficult.
That said, if Republican leadership have any opportunity to usurp Trump's momentum and keep him from being the 2016 Republican Party nominee, they will do it. The crowded field, the primary rules, and the preferences of many in the party mean it's a real possibility. Trump and, in a similar way, Ted Cruz have built campaigns and candidacies based on running against and explicitly spitting in the face of the party brass. They work well with angry voters, but in a brokered convention it is a death knell. A brokered convention is great news for party leaders afraid of Trump, for more mainstream candidates like Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio, and for the health of the Republican Party. But at the end of the day, the almost unbelievable state of the Republican primary could be salvaged on the floor of Cleveland's Quicken Loans Arena. If it takes that long, the man or woman chosen in a smoke-filled room may bask in the glow of being the Republican nominee. But the real winner in that situation will be the person Democrats select as their nominee a week later in Philadelphia. In that way, the only thing worse for the Republican Party than Donald Trump would be an establishment-led overthrow of Donald Trump.
For those making absolutist predictions based on the South Carolina results, take a deep breath. This race is nowhere near over. We have no idea who the nominee will be. The only thing Trump's unbelievable win in South Carolina tells us is that the Republican primary will continue to be an unbelievable mess...maybe even a YUGE one.
//This is why we who Blog for Trump can and will make a YUGE difference. Ever vote counts and the more we who actively blog can address this issue by forwarding this blog and others to not only pro Trump FB sites, but other sites with uncommitted votes such as millennials, Hispanics, Latinos, Asians, African Americans, libertarians, and yes Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders supporters sites may push our leader over the top. You will get a lot of flack from posting on some of these sites (each one listed may have multiple sub sites to post to) but that only show you how angry you have made them. Do not post back unless you want to fight. I no longer do. God Bless you all. Let's all BLOG for TRUMP!

domingo, 21 de febrero de 2016

Donld Trump runs away with South Carolina

 Donald Trump, South Carolina, Feb.20,2016

Donald Trump sealed his front-runner status. Marco Rubio revitalized his campaign. And Jeb Bush faced the reality that South Carolina voters harshly delivered.
Trump crushed the rest of the GOP field in the state's primary Saturday night, giving the real estate mogul major momentum and wounding the more experienced governors and senators who are struggling to keep pace.
Rubio, down and out after finishing fifth in New Hampshire, appeared to be elbowing past Ted Cruz and vanquished another rival.
Bush, the one-time establishment frontrunner who was trailing in a distant fourth in the early results and facing a dire cash crunch, abruptly ended his campaign Saturday night, acknowledging that the voters of Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina had now spoken. Choking up, he said he was proud that he stayed true to the guiding principles of his campaign.
“Despite what you might’ve heard, ideas matter, policy matters. And I truly hope that these ideas that we’ve laid out will serve as a blueprint for a generation of conservative leaders,” Bush said in his remarks, which did not include a direct mention of Trump, who played a big role in dashing his chances. “In this campaign I have stood my ground, refusing to bend to the political winds.”
Trump, taking the stage at his victory celebration moments after Bush left the stage, relished another decisive win.
“When you win it’s beautiful,” said Trump, flanked by his family and claiming additional momentum heading into the March 1 SEC primary. “I think we’re going to do terrific there and the SEC is going to be very exciting,” Trump said. “We expect to do very well there.”
Saturday night offered a repeat performance for Trump, who also dominated the New Hampshire primary 11 days ago, handing him victories in two states with a history of boosting candidates who go on to become the eventual presidential nominee.
After stirring controversy and fending off unrelenting attacks during the last volatile week of campaigning across rough and tumble South Carolina, the billionaire-turned-blue-collar champion is only cementing his status as the clear GOP frontrunner in a winnowing field.
“I just want to congratulate the other candidates,” Trump said. “There’s nothing easy about running for president.”
He held a double-digit advantage over both Rubio and Cruz, leading with 33 percent of the vote. Rubio, meanwhile, held a slight edge over Cruz, 22.3 percent to 22.2 percent. with 99 percent of precincts reporting. Roughly 1,000 votes separated the two rivals.
“The children of the Reagan revolution are ready to assume the mantle of leadership,” Rubio said, flanked by a trio of South Carolina’s ascendant generation of GOP stars: Governor Nikki Haley, Senator Tim Scott and Congressman Trey Gowdy.
Rubio began his speech with a tribute to Bush. But, as he neared the end, he relished having knocked his mentor — and biggest obstacle — from the race.
“Now, practically speaking, it’s down to three,” Rubio said.
The failure to deliver a stronger showing was a big blow to Cruz, who is betting big on the South. In his remarks to supporters Saturday night, the Texas senator reminded voters he has still done something that Rubio and the other remaining candidates have not.“We are the only campaign that has beaten and can beat Donald Trump,” Cruz said.
The Texas senator managed to win just 26 percent of white evangelicals, whereas Trump secured the support of 34 percent of that powerful voting bloc — a fundamental problem that isn't likely to go away as the race moves forward to Super Tuesday.
"Trump is a brick on his head and he can't grow and can't win kinds of states he needs to get delegates," a GOP operative said as the results came in.
With 94 percent of precincts reporting, Bush was in a virtual tie for fourth place with John Kasich, both receiving roughly 8 percent of the vote even though Bush gave South Carolina all he had this week, bringing in his brother and mother to stump with him, while Kasich lowered expectations and spent time campaigning in other states.
The outcome of the South Carolina primary and Bush’s exit could break the dam of establishment support that has held behind the former Florida governor. It will likely drive mainstream Republicans looking for a single standard-bearer to challenge Trump and Cruz to consolidate behind the young Florida senator.
Bush, who had hoped to generate momentum from George W. Bush’s first campaign appearance in North Charleston on Monday and to win Haley’s endorsement, was trying desperately to finish ahead of Rubio, or at least close enough to justify continuing on to Nevada and perhaps Super Tuesday. But in the final 48 hours, he had been dogged by questions about whether his campaign is running out of money and whether he would quit.
As POLITICO reported Friday, many of Bush’s most loyal supporters were ready to lean on the candidate to consider quitting if he didn’t finish ahead of Rubio Saturday night.
But Rubio will still have to contend with Kasich, who plans to continue on and make a stand in the Midwestern states that vote in early March, potentially taking delegates that could otherwise enable Rubio to catch up to Trump.
In an email Saturday night, John Weaver, Kasich’s strategist, didn’t mince words, asserting that the results effectively end the campaigns of Bush and Ben Carson who was in a distant sixth with 7 percent.

"Tonight it became a four-person race for the nomination,” Weaver wrote in an email to supporters. “Only four candidates have top-three finishes in any of the early states and can justify staying in. At the same time, John Kasich has now won the so-called 'Governors Bracket' by continuing to run strong and beat expectations.”
As the winner in South Carolina, Trump will take at least 29 of the state’s 50 delegates; and he could also win the remaining 21, which will be divided among the seven congressional districts, will go to the winners in those regions.
Trump’s second straight victory adds to his momentum heading into Super Tuesday on March 1, when 12 states vote, many of them in the South. The real estate mogul is quickly positioning himself as the candidate to beat in what may still be a long nomination fight.

Read more:

Stop the bleeding of America and put Donald Trump in the White House"

THIS POST IS FOR ANY UNDECIDED VOTERS IN THE COUNTRY! AND OUR CHILDREN ALSO! This is a way different time in our country! Sure we have problems here at home that need to be worked on BUT our biggest problem, and one that is quickly destroying America, is not the problems here at home but the shit being thrown at us from foreign countries! VOTERS NEED TO WAKE UP TO WHAT THE REAL PROBLEMS ARE!!!! Let’s ask a question or two. COME ON FOLKS – YOU CANNOT HONESTLY BELIEVE that Cruz, Rubio, Kasich, Clinton or Sanders can really sit down with China, Japan, India, Russia, Pakistan, Iran, Arabia, Mexico and even Canada and be able to negotiate trade deals? NO! These countries would EAT THEIR LUNCH and our country would get worse and worse!
I have watched political TV commercials and NONE of the candidates in either party will TELL YOU THE TRUTH of what is actually destroying America! But Trump does! EVERY TIME (ESPECIALLY CHINA) THEY DEVALUATE THEIR CURRENCY – AMERICANS LOSE! WE LOSE JOBS AND AMERICA’S ABILITY TO BE COMPETITIVE! IT FORCES AMERICAN MANUFACTURING TO GO OUT OF THE US TO TRY AND REMAIN COMPETITIVE! What politicians ALSO FAIL TO TELL YOU is that if money is needed to fix the internal problems in America – IT WONT BE THERE UNLESS TRADE DEALS ARE FORCED ON THESE COUNTRIES!
Note: Only Donald Trump can successfully negotiate with these countries because he has ALREADY done it on a global basis. Every time (especially China) they devalue their currency – Americans lose! We lose jobs and America’s ability to be competitive! Trump will end that situation which is spiraling out of control!
Do you believe that any of these candidates would bring jobs back to America – NO!
Note: In order to bring jobs back from any of these countries Trump would know how to deal with the global mess and Americas constant loss of jobs. Especially manufacturing jobs! Trump employs thousands of workers! All of the other candidates DO NOT have anyone employed by them and do not know the first thing about running a company that employs thousands of workers!
Do you believe that any of the Candidates will build a wall between Mexico and the United States? – NO!
Note: Only Trump can get this done and have MEXICO pay for it by stopping all money going to Mexico from Washington! The candidates running do not have a clue on how to get this done and stop illegal immigration! If fact the majority of candidates are for OPEN BORDERS!
Do you believe any of the candidates can fix our education system? – NO!
We spend more money on education that literally any country in the world BUT we are #30 or worse on the education ladder! Thank your politicians for this would put education way below their having to provide for their special interest groups “Special Projects” Been this way for a very long time. Trump has the solution to education! He knows how to fix the problem and has solutions ready to be implemented so our children can grow up in a world where their competitiveness in education will be in the top three of the world!
Trump is for our military! Have any of the candidates ever done anything for Vets – NO!
Trump is the only one who is for and helps VETS! No candidate will build the military like Trump. How? He will not allow corporations who have a stranglehold on politicians force our military to but supplies and equipment they don’t want or are too costly. Under politicians our military if forced to waste millions of dollars on equipment they DON’T WANT! Trump will end this! I could go on and on about how Trump can fix our country’s problems but it isn’t necessary because the point has been made! Politicians HAVE FAILED FOR MANY YEARS! We should not and cannot let this politician farce continue if we want to leave a country for our children! Time is running out! Look at the last 8 years. What a disaster! STOP THE BLEEDING OF AMERICA AND PUT TRUMP IN THE WHITE HOUSE!!!!

sábado, 20 de febrero de 2016

Barack Hussein Obama a los cubanos: "Nos vemos en La Habana"

El Presidente habla sobre los objetivos de su visita a Cuba en su mensaje semanal, mientras el diario "Granma" afirma que ese viaje desmonta el mito de que Cuba viola los Derechos Humanos.
El presidentre Barack Obama, durante su mensaje semanal a la nación.
El presidentre Barack Obama, durante su mensaje semanal a la nación.
En su mensaje semanal a la nación, el presidente Barack Obama habló este sábado de su viaje a Cuba lleno de entusiasmo por ser el primer mandatario de Estados Unidos que visita la isla comunista en más de 80 años.

"Estoy seguro de que mi visita es un avance en los objetivos que nos guían: la promoción de los intereses y los valores estadounidenses y un futuro mejor para el pueblo de Cuba, un futuro de más libertad y más oportunidades", dijo Obama.

El Presidente hizo hincapié en que continuará impulsando la democracia y los Derechos Humanos y que hablará con franqueza con Raúl Castro "acerca de nuestras graves diferencias".
Se refirió a las empresas estadounidenses, de las que dijo que están ayudando a incentivar la iniciativa privada y los puntos Wi-Fi para acceso a internet, lo que propiciará un futuro diferente para los jóvenes cubanos, "que tienen un extraordinario talento y potencial".

"Mi visita es una gran oportunidad para motivar al presidente Castro a discutir cómo podemos continuar la normalización de las relaciones, incluyendo la facilitación del comercio y para que los cubanos accedan a  internet".

Obama reconoció que hay enormes diferencias con el Gobierno de Cuba y dijo que Estados Unidos reafirma su compromiso con la defensa de los Derechos Humanos, los valores universales de libertad, de reunión, de religión y de hacer más próspera la vida de la sociedad civil cubana y de dar voz a las aspiraciones de los emprendedores cubanos.
El Presidente terminó su mensaje hablando en español, con un mensaje directo para los cubanos: "Nos vemos en La Habana".

La Casa Blanca, en un resumen sobre su discurso, afirma que el Presidente cree que "la mejor manera de promover los intereses y valores estadounidenses y de mejorar la vida de los cubanos es a través del compromiso".

Puntualiza que Obama se reunirá con Castro para discutir sobre el progreso que ha tenido el proceso de normalización de relaciones, que se reunirá con miembros de la sociedad civil y empresarios cubanos y que hablará directamente al pueblo cubano.
Obama y la Primera Dama estarán en Cuba los días 21 y 22 de marzo y luego continuarán viaje a Argentina.

Los mitos que según Granma desmonta viaje de Obama

Por su parte, el periódico oficial Granma publica este sábado un artículo en el que afirma que el viaje de Obama a Cuba desmonta estos cuatro mitos:

1. Cuba viola los derechos humanos
2. Obama ya ha hecho todo lo que puede
3. Los cambios hacia Cuba tienen un alto costo político
4. El poder omnipotente de la ultraderecha de Miami

El diario del Partido Comunista de Cuba afirma que el hecho de que Cuba viola los Derechos Humanos se ha repetido como un mantra y que es propaganda para desacreditar a la Revolución.
La Revolución "continúa con los mismos objetivos políticos aunque cambien los métodos", puntualiza el artículo.

Ben Rhodes, viceasesor de Seguridad Nacional de la Casa Blanca, que estuvo en las negociaciones secretas con Cuba, confirmó, según Granma, que "Obama tiene facultades ejecutivas para hacer mucho más de lo que ha hecho hasta ahora".
Granma afirma que la comunidad cubana en Florida ha sufrido "transformaciones radicales" y que el anuncio de normalización de relaciones echa abajo la tesis de que los legisladores de origen cubano tuvieran secuestrada la política de Estados Unidos.
"Con dos cubanoamericanos aspirando a la nominación presidencial en las primarias republicanas, ambos opuestos al acercamiento con Cuba, este viaje de Obama de cara al escenario electoral es, cuando menos, una prueba de la fuerza que aún conserva la Casa Blanca para manejar la política exterior de Estados Unidos", subraya el diario.

La disidencia reacciona a declaraciones de Granma

Martí Noticias preguntó sobre el artículo publicado en el diario oficial Granma a la líder de las Damas de Blanco.
Berta Soler afirmó que el
Gobierno cubano miente sobre los Derechos Humanos en la isla.
"Una vez más, se pone en práctica (…) la mentira por parte del Gobierno cubano", señaló Soler.
Si en Cuba no hay violaciones de Derechos Humanos, reflexionó, "¿cómo el Gobierno cubano no te da libremente acceso a internet?".
La líder del movimiento opositor femenino denunció que durante
42 domingos consecutivos las Damas de Blanco y activistas pro Derechos Humanos han sido reprimidos violentamente.
"Si acaso eso no es violación de los Derechos Humanos, pues, entonces, vamos a creer lo que dice el periódico Granma", concluyó.

Elizardo Sánchez, presidente de la Comisión Cubana de Derechos Humanos y Reconciliación Nacional, dice que el viaje de Obama es una visita de Estado y que al igual que los viajes de otros estadistas no "dicen o desdicen de la situación real que sufrimos en Cuba".
"En Cuba seguimos teniendo la peor situación de derechos civiles y políticos, de derechos laborales, sindicales, y otros derechos fundamentales en todo el hemisferio occidental. Y eso el presidente Obama y su Gobierno lo saben perfectamente. Igual que la comunidad internacional", declaró Sánchez.
El pastor protestante Mario Félix Lleonart, por su parte, espera que Obama y el Gobierno de Estados Unidos "hagan quedar (al Gobierno de Cuba) como lo que son: unos violadores de los Derechos (Humanos)", y que el Presidente haga lo que le recomienda The New York Times: Que le pida a Raúl Castro que propicie una transición hacia la democracia, y que cesen las violaciones a los Derechos Humanos.

El periodista Reynaldo Escobar, quién ha dicho anteriormente que no tiene nada en contra del viaje de Obama a la isla, opina que la “visita de un mandatario a otro país no desmiente nada acerca de ese país, ya sea leyenda, mito o realidad”.

Escobar agregó, por tanto, la visita de “Barack Obama a Cuba no desmiente el hecho de que aquí se violen los Derechos Humanos, a menos de que el gobierno cubano crea que la presencia del presidente norteamericano en un país es un certificado de que ahí no se violan los Derechos Humanos”.
El periodista disidente subrayó que los frutos de este acercamiento entre Cuba y Estados Unidos se verán a largo plazo. “Todo esto es el preámbulo, el resultado habrá que verlo después”, concluyó Escobar.

El poeta Jorge Olivera, uno de los 11 expresos políticos del grupo de los 75 que aún reside en Cuba, dijo a Martí Noticias que el editorial de Granma “es un intento de manipulación”.
Olivera, también de acuerdo con de la visita de Obama a la isla, recalcó que “el presidente Obama ha dicho totalmente lo contrario, ha abogado, y dice que va a abogar públicamente en Cuba por la defensa y el respeto hacia los Derechos Humanos. Yo no creo que la intervención que tenga el presidente Obama vaya a favorecer al Gobierno cubano”.

El expreso político considera al presidente Obama “lo suficientemente comprometido, aunque algunos no lo crean así, con la problemática cubana” y agregó que “Estados Unidos es un país soberano y nunca ha dicho que va a dejar de apoyar a la sociedad civil independiente y a la oposición pacífica”.

Visita de Barack Hussein Obama a Cuba.


La visita de Mr. Hussein Obama a Cuba no me sorprende. Desde hace tiempo ese ha sido su sueño confeso.

Hace más de cuatro años dije que se estaba ¨"cocinando" algo con Cuba y que ese algo se estaba haciendo con la participación masiva de su disidencia pre frabricada a la cual se sumaban algunos blogueros que escribían en el portal (al parecer desmantelado ya) Voces Cubanas desde  Cuba, con su creadora,Yoany Sánchez, al frente, y una parte del exilio cubano que ya avisoraba la quiebra de la industria anticastrista, también incluí en la lista de los participantes a la Fundación Cubano Americana lidereada por el hijo de Mas Canosa,

El marcado interés que ha mostrado Hussein Obama (desde que asumió la presidencia en el nesfasto enero del 2009) por establecer relaciones con la tiranía mafiocastrista de La Habana, me ha llevado a pensar en más de una ocasión en los petrodólares de Chavez regalados a su guía y mentor, Fidel Castro, y la posible desviación de éstos para subfragar parte de la campaña presidencial del actual inquilino de la Casa Blanca. Lo sospecho porque las donaciones millonarias a Barack Hussein Obama se hicieron vía internet. Bien sabemos cómo funciona internet, y cómo se presta para cometer cualquier tipo de fraude, incluyendo fraudes electorales de todo tipo.

 Mi amor por Cuba no me ciega. Los únicos culpables de lo que está sucediendo  allá desde hace más de medio siglo, somos nosotros mismos, los cubanos, que no hemos sabido, o no hemos podido, como dirán algunos, derrotar a ese monstruo de mil cabezas que nos impuso  un sistema político-socio- económico que nos ha convertido en esclavos.

Esclavos  todos porque tanto los de allá como los de acá, de una forma u otra, hemos sentido, sufrido y sucumbido   ante  las poderosas garras  de la mafia castro comunista. Mafia  dirigida y mantenida  por una élite militar,apoyada por el partido comunista (único partido en Cuba) y los millones de cubanos oportunistas que le han allanado el camino con pétalos de rosas  a sus propios verdugos. Digo millones de cubanos porque si los opositores, los contrarevolucionarios, los anticastristas, fuéramos mayoría hace rato otro gallo cantaría.

Me duele Cuba, me apena y me duele haber nacido allí, porque como cubana me siento derrotada y lo que es peor, sin fe y casi sin esperanzas de ver a Cuba libre de tanta ignominia antes de morirme. Mis sueños y mis anhelos de tener una patria libre de sectarismos construída por todos, una patria  pluralista, incluyente,con todos y para el bien de todos los cubanos, se han ido desvaneciendo con el paso de los años.

La Cuba donde nací y pasé mi primera década de vida, ya no existe. La Cuba de hoy no me gusta para nada. Es una isla hermosa por sus paisajes, por su belleza natural, pero como país está destruída fisica y moralmente. Ruinas se ven por doquier, la miseria humana se respira en cada rincón.

Vaya Barack Hussein Obama a compartir el banquete con los tiranos. Disfrute sus vacaciones y lleve a Michelle para que al menos despierte un poco de curiosidad a las pobres negras y mulatas jineteras cubanas que sueñan  con una vida mejor. De cualquier manera ya usted, Barack Hussein Obama, será recordado para siempre como el peor presidente que ha tenido  esta gran nación en toda su historia. Dudo que alguien pueda superarlo.

Esperanza E Serrano
Land O Lakes,
Fl, 2016
Fotos que hablan por sí sola:

viernes, 19 de febrero de 2016

FULL SPEECH: Donald Trump Live Campaign Rally in Myrtle Beach, South Car...

J. Trump is the very definition of the American success story,
continually setting the standards of excellence while expanding his
interests in real estate, sports and entertainment. He is a graduate of
the Wharton School of Finance. An accomplished author, Mr. Trump has
authored over fifteen bestsellers, and his first book, The Art of the
Deal, is considered a business classic and one of the most successful
business books of all time.

Mr. Trump is the Emmy-nominated star
and co-producer of the reality television series, “The Apprentice” which
quickly became the number one show on television, making ratings
history and receiving rave reviews and world wide attention. “The
Celebrity Apprentice” has met with great success as well, being one of
the highest rated shows on television. The Apprentice’s record
fourteenth season premiered in January, 2015. “You’re fired!” is listed
as the third greatest television catchphrase of all time. In 2007, Mr.
Trump received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, and he is among the
highest paid public speakers in the world. The Apprentice has raised
over $15 million for charity.

Mr. Trump was born in Queens, New
York. He is married to Melania Trump and father to Donald Trump Jr.,
Ivanka, Eric, Tiffany and Barron. He is a proud grandfather of seven.

jueves, 18 de febrero de 2016

New poll results show Trump nomination increasingly likely

Respuesta de Donald Trump al papa francisco

" For a religious leader to question a person’s faith is disgraceful. I am proud to be a Christian and as President I will not allow Christianity to be consistently attacked and weakened, unlike what is happening now, with our current President. No leader, especially a religious leader, should have the right to question another man’s religion or faith."

In response to the Pope:
If and when, the Vatican is attacked by ISIS, which as everyone knows is ISIS’s ultimate trophy, I can promise you that the Pope would have only wished and prayed that Donald Trump would have been President because this would not have happened. ISIS would have been eradicated unlike what is happening now with our all talk, no action politicians.
The Mexican government and its leadership has made many disparaging remarks about me to the Pope, because they want to continue to rip off the United States, both on trade and at the border, and they understand I am totally wise to them. The Pope only heard one side of the story - he didn’t see the crime, the drug trafficking and the negative economic impact the current policies have on the United States. He doesn’t see how Mexican leadership is outsmarting President Obama and our leadership in every aspect of negotiation.
For a religious leader to question a person’s faith is disgraceful. I am proud to be a Christian and as President I will not allow Christianity to be consistently attacked and weakened, unlike what is happening now, with our current President. No leader, especially a religious leader, should have the right to question another man’s religion or faith. They are using the Pope as a pawn and they should be ashamed of themselves for doing so, especially when so many lives are involved and when illegal immigration is so rampant.
Donald J. Trump

Pope suggests Trump 'is not Christian'

(CNN)Thrusting himself into the combative 2016 presidential campaign, Pope Francis said Thursday that GOP frontrunner Donald Trump "is not Christian" if he calls for the deportation of undocumented immigrants and pledges to build a wall between the United States and Mexico.
The Pope, who was traveling back to Rome from Mexico, where he urged the United States to address the "humanitarian crisis" on its southern border, did not tell American Catholics not vote for Trump.
But Francis left little doubt where he stood on the polarizing issue of immigration reform.
"A person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian. This is not in the gospel," the Pope told journalists who asked his opinion on Trump's proposals to halt illegal immigration.
Trump immediately fired back on Thursday, calling Francis' comments "disgraceful."
"No leader, especially a religious leader, should have the right to question another man's religion or faith," he said in statement. Trump added that the government in Mexico, where Pope spent the past five days, has "made many disparaging remarks about me to the Pope."
"If and when the Vatican is attacked by ISIS, which as everyone knows is ISIS's ultimate trophy, I can promise you that the Pope would have only wished and prayed that Donald Trump would have been president," Trump added.
The tussle between Trump and Francis -- two outsized personalities who seldom shy from speaking their minds -- seems to have been building for some time. Before the Pope traveled to Mexico last week, Trump cast the pontiff as a political naif who "doesn't understand the dangers" at the U.S.-Mexican border.
Trump's social media director Dan Scavino suggested the comments were hypocritical. "Amazing comments from the Pope- considering Vatican City is 100% surrounded by massive walls," he tweeted.

During the wide-ranging press conference aboard the papal plane, Francis also seemed to suggest that contraception may be used to prevent the transmission of the Zika virus and praised Saint John Paul II's "holy friendship" with a Polish woman.
But it was his comments on Trump that seem sure to dominate the political conversation, perhaps handing a gift to Trump's GOP opponents and opening Francis to criticism that his papacy is too partisan and his policies too liberal. Polls indicate that while Democrats adore the Pope, Republicans view him a little less favorably.
Asked if American Catholics should vote for Trump, Francis demurred.
"As far as what you said about whether I would advise to vote or not to vote, I am not going to get involved in that. I say only that this man is not Christian if he has said things like that."
The Pope appeared somewhat unaware of Trump's exact stance on illegal immigration, though, saying that he would give him "the benefit of the doubt" until he had heard exactly what the billionaire businessman had said.
The Rev. Federico Lombardi, a Vatican spokesman, said Tuesday that the Pope knows "Trump expresses himself in an expressive way," but "is not always up to date on the latest statements."
Trump has pledged to build an $8 billion wall along the United States' southern border and says he will force Mexico to pay the tab. Trump has also said that, if elected president, he would eject some 11 million undocumented immigrants from the country.
"You have people coming in, and I'm not just saying Mexicans — I'm talking about people that are from all over that are killers and rapists, and they're coming into this country," Trump told CNN's Jake Tapper last June. 

Before the Pope left for Mexico, Trump called Francis "a very political person" and suggested that the Francis, who celebrated Mass Wednesday near the U.S.-Mexican border, was a pawn of the Mexican government.
The Pope made light of Trump's accusations.
"Thank God he said I was a politician because Aristotle defined the human person as 'animal politicus.' So at least I am a human person," he said. "As to whether I am a pawn, well, maybe, I don't know. I'll leave that up to your judgment and that of the people."

The White House weighs in

White House spokesman Josh Earnest, asked about Pope Francis' comments on Donald Trump, referred back to President Obama's remarks last month at the National Prayer Breakfast.
He said Obama "talked about how his own personal Christian faith informed his view of the values and priorities that he has chosen to champion in the White House."
"We've noted on a number of occasions that a number of those values and priorities are not shared by Mr. Trump," Earnest said.
Then he took a jab at Trump's repeated questioning of Obama's Christian faith.
"I will however extend to Mr. Trump the courtesy he has not extended to the president and not use this opportunity to call into question the kind of private personal conversations he is having with his God," Earnest said.

The Pope in Mexico

The Pope's comments on Trump came on his way home from an emotional trip to Mexico, where the first Latin American pontiff was greeted by boisterous crowds that often burst into songs or tears as he approached.
Celebrating Mass on Wednesday in Ciudad Juarez, a city just across the border from the United States, Francis delivered a stinging critique of leaders on both sides of the fence, calling the "forced migration" of thousands of Central Americans a "human tragedy" and "humanitarian crisis."
"Being faced with so many legal vacuums," the Pope said during his homily before a congregation of more than 200,000 people, "they get caught up in a web that ensnares and always destroys the poorest."
As he prepared to leave Mexico, Francis Pope thanked Mexicans for opening their doors and their lives to him. "At times I felt like weeping to see so much hope in a people who are suffering so much."

miércoles, 17 de febrero de 2016

Las bancarrotas de Donald Trump

Una breve explicación a los ignorantes que están criticando las cuatro bancarrota de Donald Tromp.
Uno de los argumentos más utilizados por medios de comunicación y redes sociales contra el candidato presidencial Donald Trump es lo relativo a que el magnate ha tenido cuatro bancarrotas y por ello supuestamente no es confiable para dirigir la economía del país en caso de obtener la Casa Blanca.
Las acusaciones tienen una base real pero, como siempre sucede cuando se trata del magnate, no son justas con la realidad de los hechos que se le adjudican ya que atacar a Trump se ha vuelto una tendencia marcada de la media que casi siempre está respaldada por una gran ignorancia o una alta cuota de odio o malidiciencia.
Desde que la ex CEO de Hewlett-Packard, Carly Fiorina, usó el argumento de las bancarrotas del Donald, el tema es casi recurrente sin que acabe de comprender que en los cuatro casos registrados, lo único que hizo el candidato fue regirse por el capítulo 11 de la Ley de Bancarrota, que de acuerdo al código federal de quiebras , se trata de un mecanismo para reestructurar y concentrar las empresas de un solo dueño, para evitar que desaparezcan por completo o se apaguen como se dice en el argot empresarial.
Trump no niega que cuatro de sus empresas se han declarado en quiebra. Sostiene, sin embargo, que la declaración de quiebra es una decisión comercial común, y estaba listo para hacer los movimientos cuando lo hizo lo cual ha permitido que su firma siga viva en medio de un panorama bastante obscuro en materia económica para EE UU
Michael Vendito, uno de los abogados más exitoso en relación al capítulo 11 ha manifestado que las declaraciones de bancarrota de Trump permitieron salvar a su empresa en vez de liquidarla, lo cual hubiera sido desastroso no solo para su capital personal sino para las más de 224 mil familias de sus trabajadores,
La quiebra 1: El Trump Taj Mahal, 1991
Esta fue reportada ampliamente por el New York Time ya que fue una de las mas significativas. Trump había financiado la construcción del Trump Taj Mahal Casino por valor de mil millones de dólares en Atlantic City, que se abrió en 1990. En 1991, el casino tenía casi $ 3 mil millones en deuda, mientras que Trump había acumulado cerca de $ 900 millones en pasivos personales, por lo que la empresa decidió acogerse al Capítulo 11 de reorganización, de acuerdo con el rotativo .
Como resultado, Trump renunció a la mitad de su interés personal en el casino y vendió su yate y flota aérea, según reporto también el Washington Post .
La quiebra 2: Trump Plaza Hotel, 1992
Trump había adquirido el Hotel Plaza en Nueva York por unos $ 390 millones en 1988. Para el año 1992, el hotel había acumulado $ 550 millones en deuda. Como resultado de la quiebra, a cambio de condiciones más favorables para pagar las deudas, Trump renunció a una participación del 49 por ciento entre sus asociados de acuerdo con ABC News y continuó como director general del hotel, pero no era más que un gesto – no ganaba un sueldo y no tenía voz ni voto en las operaciones del día a día del hotel, según reportes del New York Times .
La quiebra 3: hoteles y casinos Trump Resorts de 2004
Hoteles y casinos Trump Resorts se declaró en quiebra otra vez en 2004, cuando sus casinos – incluyendo el Trump Taj Mahal, Trump Marina y los casinos Trump Plaza de Atlantic City y un casino flotante en Indiana – habían acumulado un estimado de $ 1.8 mil millones en deuda, según la Associated Press . Trump aceptó reducir su participación en la empresa de 47 a 27 por ciento en un plan de reestructuración, pero seguía siendo mayor accionista de la compañía y se mantuvo a cargo de sus operaciones. Trump dijo a la Associated Press que la compañía representaba menos del 1 por ciento de su valor neto.
La quiebra 4: Trump Entertainment Resorts de 2009
Trump Entertainment Resorts – anteriormente Trump hoteles y casinos Resorts – se vio fuertemente afectado por la recesión económica de 2008 y perdió un pago de intereses de bonos de 53,1 millones de dólares en diciembre de ese mismo año, de acuerdo con . ABC News
Como medida cautelar, el magnate renunció como presidente de la compañía y su participación corporativa se redujo a 10 por ciento aunque continuó utilizando el nombre de de la Franquicia en la concesión de licencias.
Negocio riesgoso es mejor que liquidar una empresa
Todos los especialistas en bancarrotas recomiendan que es mejor concentrar empresa, reducir gastos y ganancias que apagarlas por completo debido al alto costo social que eso representa, sobre todo para los trabajadores. Es por ello que el capítulo 11 de La ley de Bancarrotas no es precisamente la decisión más funesta. Y Trump fue lo que hizo en cuatro oportunidades aunque son en verdad demasiadas veces en 25 años.
Pero quizás lo que ofrece a Trump el beneficio de la duda es que tres de sus cuatro quiebras están asociada a los casinos que de por si es un sector que está atravesando por severas crisis económicas desde las últimas tres décadas.
Adam Levitin, profesor de derecho en la Universidad de Georgetown, declaró (verlo aquí) que no es justo culpar completamente a Trump por sus cuatro bancarrotas porque el solo ha actuado como lo hace cualquier inversionista a gran escala y una muestra de ellos es que tanto el ex candidato presidencial republicano Mitt Romney o el inversor Warren Buffett han acudido al famoso Capitulo 11 para salvar las sociedades de Bain Capital y Berkshire Hathaway, respectivamente.
“La única diferencia es que Trump pone su nombre en sus empresas, lo que significa que la gente los asocia con él, pero él no es en absoluto el líder en el espacio de la quiebra”, dijo Levitin. “Estas quiebras no fueron momentos decisivos para el triunfo y no deben colorear nuestra visión sobre el Magnate.”
Sin embargo, la media publica, las redes sociales y los fanáticos partidarios de otros candidatos puntan el dedo acusador sobre las bancarotas trumpianas sin detenerse si quiera a buscar los datos que ayudarían a entender mejor ese fenomeno que aun se mantiene con vida en esta desenfrenada carrera presidencial

Still Reporting #626 - New Florida Poll - Trump 56%

Donald Trump's Response To Obama Saying He'll Never Be President

martes, 16 de febrero de 2016

Ministro de Comercio Exterior e Inversiones Extranjeras de Cuba, R. Malmierca pide a EEUU $2,000 millones de inversión en Cuba

Rodrigo Malmierca en EEUU.

El ministro de Comercio Exterior e Inversiones Extranjeras de Cuba, Rodrigo Malmierca, insistió hoy en que las medidas adoptadas por el presidente Obama para relajar las sanciones económicas son "positivas pero insuficientes".

El ministro de Comercio Exterior e Inversiones Extranjeras de Cuba, Rodrigo Malmierca, insistió hoy en que las medidas adoptadas por el presidente Obama para relajar las sanciones económicas son "positivas pero insuficientes" y apuntó el objetivo de la isla de contar con $2.000 millones anuales en inversión extranjera directa.
"El presidente Obama ha aprobado medidas importantes que modifican algunos aspectos del bloqueo que resultan positivos y van en la dirección adecuada. Pero aún resultan insuficientes pues no resuelven temas de gran trascendencia cuya solución está al alcance de sus facultades ejecutivas", indicó Malmierca.
Estas declaraciones las hizo en rueda de prensa a la conclusión de su presentación sobre los atractivos de la economía cubana, en la Cámara de Comercio de Estados Unidos. Es la primera visita de un ministro cubano de Comercio Exterior a Washington en más de medio siglo.
Malmierca cifró las necesidades de inversión extranjera directa en Cuba en $2.000 millones anuales, frente a los varios cientos de millones que estiman los expertos, ya que Cuba no publica datos oficiales. Se trataría de un monto similar a las remesas que reciben anualmente los cubanos de familiares que viven en exterior.
También aprovechó la oportunidad para dar "la bienvenida" al acuerdo  ratificado hoy en La Habana para restablecer los vuelos comerciales regulares entre ambos países y la reciente licencia del Tesoro  para que una empresa estadounidense de tractores se instale en Cuba.
Malmierca pidió, además, que el Presidente estadounidense adopte más medidas de supresión de sanciones a la isla para impulsar el intercambio comercial bilateral.
De acuerdo con el Ministro, el poder ejecutivo estadounidense aún tiene atribuciones para aplicar estas medidas, en especial el uso del dólar en las exportaciones cubanas. "Las prerrogativas que el presidente de Estados Unidos tiene van mucho más allá de lo que se ha hecho hasta ahora", dijo Malmierca, en referencia a las sanciones que la Administración estadounidense ha flexibilizado por vía de decretos presidenciales.
"Por ejemplo, no podemos usar el dólar en nuestro comercio exterior", destacó el Ministro cubano y afirmó que no existe normativa que impida a Obama autorizar el uso del dólar en las transacciones comerciales de Cuba con terceros países.
"Cuando vendemos níquel, por ejemplo, tenemos que hacer referencia a precios definidos en dólar, pero tenemos que cobrar en euros o en otra moneda. Es un detalle que dificulta todo nuestro comercio exterior", dijo Malmierca en la Cámara de Comercio de Estados Unidos.
Esta dificultad "no complica el comercio de Cuba con Estados Unidos, sino que complica el comercio de Cuba con el resto del mundo". Otra gran dificultad sobre la que el presidente Obama puede incidir, dijo el Ministro cubano, es en el acceso a créditos para comercio de alimentos.
El grueso de las sanciones estadounidenses a Cuba, vigentes desde hace medio siglo, están codificada en diversas leyes que definen la estructura legal del embargo comercial y financiero y, por lo tanto, su desmonte será responsabilidad del Congreso en Washington.

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lunes, 15 de febrero de 2016

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Scalia's death may affect 6 big cases

 Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia speaks to Presbyterian Christian High School students in Hattiesburg, Miss.   (Gavin Averill/The Hattiesburg American via AP) 
By Rob Quinn, Newser Staff

(Newser) – The death of Antonin Scalia has set the stage for a massive partisan battle during a time that was already unlikely to go down in history as a golden age of bipartisan cooperation in DC. The biggest dispute centers on whether nominating a Supreme Court successor during an election year should be considered outrageous or routine. Some related highlights:
  • Scalia's death may affect six major cases this term on immigration, abortion, contraception, labor unions, voting rights, and affirmative action, and the New York Times lays them out. USA Today also has a breakdown.
  • SCOTUSBlog looks at election-year nominations since 1900 and finds there have been several nominations and confirmations—and there's little evidence of any tradition of leaving a seat open during election years.
  • In a Sunday interview with ABC's This Week, Ted Cruz praised the "incomparable" Scalia and vowed to filibuster anybody Obama nominates to replace him.
  • The tug-of-war for the "ideological soul" of the court is going to drastically change the nature of Obama's final year in office, the New York Times predicts in a look at where the nomination battle lines have been drawn.
  • Politico looks at how Scalia's death has split the GOP presidential candidates, with senators taking a more hard-line approach than governors.
  • The Washington Post dives into the "chaos, confusion, and conflicting reports" that followed Scalia's death at a West Texas ranch, noting that the judge who deemed his death a natural one did so over the phone without having seen his body.
  • The New York Times looks at the remote ranch that Scalia was visiting, calling it a "rugged oasis" that has long attracted politicians and celebrities seeking peace and quiet.
  • Anybody who thinks people with opposing political views can't be friends could learn a lot from the Supreme Court's most liberal and most conservative justices, Vox reports in a look at the close friendship between Scalia and Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

domingo, 14 de febrero de 2016

Happy Valentine´s Day. Feliz Día del Amor y la Amistad

A todos los amigos les deseo un gran día, lleno de alegrías y mucha felicidad en unión de sus seres queridos.

FULL CBS News GOP Republican debate - CBS Republican South Carolina Deba...

Happy Valentine´s Day,

Del rincón de lo vivido
llegan las sensaciones...
 Me persiguen,
me agotan,
 me sonrojan,

Tu boca me saborea,
me destila,
me bebe:
¡Tramo a tramo!.

Has llegado alegre,
envuelto en  la quimera de los sueños,
Has venido a  devolverme
la ternura de otros años...

Respiro otra vez
el perfume de las rosas
enredado en mi pelo...

Siento tus manos...
Tus manos,
quebrantando mi pudor,
las delizas suavemente
por mis senos...

A pesar del tiempo,
de la muerte y la distancia,
estás aquí,
tengo miedo,
no lo niego.

Confieso que te quiero como antes,
tanto como antes, 
como después,
como siempre
como los cuentos
del nunca jamás.

Aquí me tienes,
me abrazas,
habitas mi espacio,
mi silencio,
Escuchas atento
mis reclamos por tu ausencia
en estas noches de lluvias,
en este invierno floridano,
donde no hay cavida
para un anhelo,
una sonrisa, 
una esperanza. 

Te quedas a mi lado,
me estrechas en tus brazos
y me duermo.

Esperanza E Serrano