
lunes, 14 de octubre de 2013

Momias en los puertos...

Momias en los puertos,
jinetes sin cabezas,
crucifijos de alambres,
obelisco de papel,
carteles en los muros,
música de contrabando,
plegarias inoportunas,
un adiós que no se dice,
una mirada que se esconde.

Ecos de lejanía,
sueños en las enredaderas
del silencio sepultado en el olvido,
un niño que reclama su presente,
un viejo que agoniza en su futuro,
una isla que flota a la deriva,
un congreso que cierra sus salidas.

Siglo iluminado,
vestido  de noches sin estrellas, 
sin luna llena,
mármol fragmentado de armonía,
un mar que se cuece en su agonía,
un cielo despejado de alegría,
 a los lejos una playa que no es mía,
pasa el tiempo y no lo creo;
se escapan de mis manos 
las palomas para luego morir
heridas de ternura.

Un ciervo pasa indiferente,
las grullas se sientan en la esquina,
otra vez la mata de gardenia
está sedienta y las rosas
no florecen  estos días.

Otoño imperfecto,
frío devastador de soledades,
improperios ceñidos de añoranzas.
¡Cuanto diera por no verte a mi costado!,
absurdo infinito de reclamos,
reconstruido en tedio cotidiano,
abaratado de trastornos bartolientos,
de lujurias amortajadas de codicias,
de desidia; 
de bisuterías hipócritas
de bazares baratos.

No está cerca, 
ni lejos, 
ni escondido
 -quizás tal vez no exista-
el apocalipsis  de un imperio 
levantado en las mentiras.

Golpeo las teclas de la laptop,
gira la noria enloquecida,
 las momias aterciopeladas de rencores
se atrincheran en los puertos,
las naves se alejan
cargadas del "mañana dirá".

 letanía carcomida
de esperanzas,
roto el verbo:
¡ No hay acción!
Esperanza E Serrano
Brandon, Fl
Octubre 2013

3 comentarios:



  2. 3. Save Money on Obamacare — Get Divorced

    It’s being called Obamacare’s “wedding tax.” Provisions of the healthcare reform bill discourage marriage — and encourage divorce.

    According to a report by PJ Media, married couples can save thousands of dollars on healthcare premiums if they get a divorce and continue to live together.

    That’s because Obamacare is designed to provide healthcare benefits that are substantially more generous for lower-income people, and the bill counts a married couple’s income jointly.

    Using a calculator from the Kaiser Family Foundation, PJ Media’s Tom Blumer gave the example of a 60-year-old married couple with no children in the household, with identical annual incomes totaling $62,041. Obamacare premiums rise sharply when combined earnings hit $62,041.

    If they remain wed, their net premium next year would be $16,382. But unmarried individuals can earn up to $45,960 before losing Obamacare’s subsidies, so if the couple divorces and each reports an income of $31,020.50, their combined net premium would be $5,354. That’s a savings of $11,028 next year.

    Blumer also offers the example of a 40-year-old couple with two children and incomes of $70,000 and $23,000.

    Their combined income is $93,000, and subsidies disappear at $92,401 for married pairs with two children. Their combined premium would be $11,547 next year.

    But if they divorce and give custody of the children to the lower-earning spouse, one spouse’s premium would be $3,857 and the other’s would be $460, for a total of $4,317. That’s a savings of $7,230 next year.

    Blumer observes: “Clearly, many couples who are considering marriage, especially after several years of seeing formerly married couples regress to cohabiting, will look at Obamacare’s ‘wedding tax’ and say, ‘never mind.’

    “The effect on society will be incalculable, and certainly not for the good.”

    However, the law in many states says a couple cannot cohabit indefinitely and still claim not to be married.

    The IRS could find those couples who are claiming they are not wed for healthcare subsidy purposes, leading to this scenario, according to Blumer: “Those caught and punished by the IRS carrying out its new role as the de facto ‘marriage police’ could get hit with multi-year bills for undeserved ‘tax credits’ running into tens of thousands of dollars.”

